Votes now being accepted for 2020 ASCB elections

ASCB’s Election opened Wednesday, April 1, with a phenomenal slate of individuals on the ballot.

In the case of the president, the elected candidate will serve on the Society’s Executive Committee as president-elect in 2021, president in 2022, and past president in 2023. This year the Council, as empowered by the ASCB Bylaws, has segmented the ballot to ensure that one seat is filled by a member working in industry. Those nominees will run against each other for one seat on Council. The top three vote recipients of the other six Council nominees will be elected according to traditional election procedures. All who are elected will start three-year terms on January 1, 2021.

The ballot also contains recommended bylaws changes that are intended to make the Society more open, transparent, and inclusive, and to increase opportunities for member involvement as well as to make sure we are up to date on all legal requirements for non-profit organizations. Please refer to the recording of the webinar on these changes, which can be found posted within ASCB’s members-only online community here if you want to hear a full discussion on that.

ASCB emailed a link to the Society’s electronic ballot, which includes candidate biographies and the proposed bylaws changes, to regular, postdoc, graduate student, educator, and emeritus members on April 1. The election will close on April 30, and results will be announced shortly thereafter. Please contact ASCB at if you didA not receive the email.

The candidates include:

For President

  • Martin Chalfie, Columbia University
  • Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, Stowers Institute for Medical Research

For Council At-Large

  • Andrew G. Campbell, Brown University
  • Erin L. Dolan, University of Georgia
  • Amy Gladfelter, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Erin D. Goley, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
  • Jessica Polka, ASAPbio
  • Nasser Rusan, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH

For Treasurer (unopposed)

  • A. Malcolm Campbell, Davidson University

For Industry Candidates

  • Casper Hoogengraad, Genentech
  • Aron Jaffe, Third Rock Ventures

About the Author:

Mary Spiro is ASCB's Strategic Communications Manager.