MBoC Fifth Special Issue on Forces on and Within Cells

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Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC) Editor-in-Chief Matt Welch and the Issue Editors encourage you to submit your work to the fifth exciting Special Issue on a very important area of cell biology. The returning Issue Editors include Valerie Weaver, Dennis Discher, Alpha Yap, and Alex Dunn.

Given its topical relevance and importance, Welch, and the members of the Editorial Board remain in consensus that MBoC is the right venue for papers that deal with the generation, detection, and effects of forces that act within or upon cells. The last four releases (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) stand testament to the quality of research published in the special issue.

The issue will complement MBoC’s annual special issues on Quantitative Cell Biology, which appear each February.

Among the topics within the scope of the special issue on Forces On and Within Cells are:

  • Force-generating machines
  • Force-detecting mechanisms
  • Force regulation of cell and tissue phenotype:
    • Receptor signaling
    • Stem cell differentiation
    • Cell migration
    • Cell cycle regulation
    • Cell survival
    • Nuclear architecture
    • Chromatin structure and gene expression
  • Force regulation of tissue development and homeostasis
  • Perturbed force in disease:
    • Cardiovascular disease
    • Cancer
    • Degenerative diseases
  • Measuring force at the subcellular, cellular, and tissue level
  • Manipulating force at the subcellular, cellular, and tissue level
  • Modeling force at the single cell and tissue level

The special issue will be published in late summer 2021. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts by March 1, 2021, to allow time for them to be reviewed and revised by the deadline for the special issue. Questions about the issue should be directed to Matt Welch at mboc@ascb.org.

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About the Author:

Mark Leader is ASCB's Director of Publications.