2nd Edition of International Precision Medicine Conference

Following on from the enormity of the success of the previous edition of Precision Medicine Conference, Magnus Group solicits your gracious presence at its HYBRID event “2nd Edition of International Precision Medicine Conference” (IPMC 2022) which will be held in a HYBRID format during April 21-23, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
The conference will be focused on the theme “One drug doesn’t suit all: Genomic era of precision medicine.”
Precision medicine, which refers to the tailoring of disease treatments based on personalized profiles, has the potential to transform clinical practice and enhance patient outcomes dramatically. The three-day onsite and virtual conference will highlight the remarkable achievements of local, national, and international scientists. Pharmaceutical companies are becoming more interested in targeted therapy due to the opportunity to improve patient care utilising tailored drugs. In fact, personalised medicines have accounted for more than 20% of FDA-approved therapeutic molecular entities in the last six years. The HYBRID conference will concentrate on precision approaches to diabetes prevention, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and monitoring. Plenary sessions, targeted research sessions, keynote sessions, oral and poster presentations with moderated discussions will all be part of the three-day program.
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For Scientific Sessions PS: https://magnusconferences.com/precisionmedicine/program/scientific-sessions
For Abstract submission PS:
For Registration PS:

Dates: April 21-23, 2022
Venue: Las vegas, USA
For more details visit: https://magnusconferences.com/precision-medicine/
Email: precision@magnus-event.com
Office: + 1 (702) 988 2320
Whatsapp: +1 434 381 1007


Starts: EST EST

Venue: Las vegas

Cost: 739

Website: https://magnusconferences.com/precision-medicine/