EMBO Workshop From functional genomics to systems biology

Conference Overview
Genomics, proteomics and quantitative imaging are rapidly moving fields with technological innovations and new biological insights occurring on an almost monthly basis. For example, mass spectrometry-based proteomics is now able to quantitatively assess close to 80% of the proteome which can nowadays be obtained from very low cell numbers. An even greater jump in sensitivity has recently revolutionized genomics with the rapid spread of measurements at the resolution of single molecule and single cells. Development of new methods and instruments has led to the emergence of high content quantitative microscopy, that enables quantification of dozens of phenotypic readouts in single cells.

A common feature of all these techniques is their ability to generate large amounts of high-resolution quantitative data characterizing biological systems at scales ranging from molecular to organismal level. A topical challenge is to convert this data into predictive quantitative models of biological systems. From functional genomics to systems biology is a venue for scientific leaders to discuss their data beyond their field and promote the emergence of ideas and concepts to bridge the gap between technologies and scales to model complex biological systems.

Session Topics
From molecules to cells
From cells to organs
From biological systems to disease



Venue: EMBL Heidelberg

Website: https://www.embl.org/about/info/course-and-conference-office/events/omx22-01/