4th Bacterial Cell Biology Conference

The Bacterial Cell Biology Conference series was founded in 2010 by Prof. Jeff Errington from Newcastle University and Prof. Christine Jacobs-Wagner from Stanford University. It has become the premier meeting that attracts top researchers and students from a variety of backgrounds to explore fundamental aspects of bacterial cell biology in an all-inclusive and relaxing environment that is designed to stimulate scientific exchanges.

Key sessions include; Cell growth and morphogenesis, Cell division, Chromosome replication and segregation, Cell biology of transcription and translation, Diversity in bacterial structure and function, Bacterial communities and signaling, Bacterial chemical biology, and Advances in imaging.

Confirmed Invited Speakers include; Anjana Badrinarayanan (NCBS), Melanie Blokesch (EPFL), Pamela Brown (University of Missouri), Eli Cohen (Imperial College London), Jeff Errington (Newcastle University), Ethan Garner (Harvard University), Stephan Gruber (UNIL-Sorge District), Christine Jacobs-Wagner (Stanford University), Sangjin Kim (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Tung Le (John Innes Centre), Petra Levin (Washington University)
*Full list available on the conference website ‘Synopsis’ tab


Starts: February 12, 2023 12:00 am EST

Ends: February 15, 2023 12:00 am EST

Venue: Cancun, Mexico

Website: https://www.fusion-conferences.com/conference/142?utm_source=ASCB&utm_medium=Weblist&utm_campaign=Bacterialcell23


Fusion Conferences