EACR-EMBO Commercialising Your Research: What’s Involved?

The EACR, in partnership with EMBO, is launching a new virtual conference for those working in cancer research in an academic environment who are considering at some point in the future taking their research private by starting their own company. Wherever you are in your academic career, if you think you might like to commercialise your research in the future then this conference is for you!

This conference aims to act as a ‘starter pack’ and will encompass a collection of powerful personal examples, advice from people who have done it, and representatives of relevant industries. It aims to inform participants of the steps that need to be considered when making the decision to commercialise academic research and the opportunities available.

The target audience for this conference is researchers working in academia who are considering commercialising their research, whether now or in the future.

Speakers: Sadhana Chitale (NYU Langone Health, USA), Rudy Dekeyser (EQT Life Sciences, Netherlands), Thomas Haag (AExeRNA Therapeutics, USA), Sir Steve Jackson (Cambridge University, UK), Birgit Kerber (EMBLEM, Germany), Barney Leaf (Primas Law, UK), Richard Marais (Oncodrug, UK), Madelon Maurice (University of Utrecht, Netherlands), Andy Roberts (Bruntwood SciTech, UK), Marisol Soengas (CNIO, Spain), and Ben Travers (Knights, UK)

Keywords: cancer research, oncology, research funding, legal advice for cancer researchers, privatising research, moving from academia to business, career progression, cancer research careers


Starts: January 30, 2024 12:00 am CET

Ends: January 31, 2024 12:00 am CET

Venue: Virtual, online access

Website: https://www.eacr.org/conference/commercialisingyourresearch2024?utm_source=ASCB&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=vEMB24


The European Association for Cancer Research (EACR)
Conference Officer Hannah Barrs