EMBO | EMBL Symposium The complex life of RNA

Conference Overview
Before the genetic information stored in DNA can be used to direct cell growth and metabolism, it has to be transferred into RNA. Messenger RNAs (mRNAs) that code for proteins and noncoding RNAs are key components in the transmission of genetic information in all life forms – from viruses to complex mammalian organisms. Exciting recent findings now reveal a new layer of information added to RNAs in the form of chemical marks (the epitranscriptome) that play a critical role in gene expression control.

Following the great success of the virtual 2020 edition of this long-standing symposium, we are looking forward to returning to an in-person meeting for 2022, bringing together leaders in the RNA field, post-docs and students, with the aim of disseminating and discussing the most recent results. The program will include, among others, sessions on transcription, RNA processing and modification, mRNA export and localisation, mRNA surveillance and decay, translation and the control of mRNA expression by microRNAs.

Session Topics
RNA processing
Export and localisation
mRNA surveillance and decay
Translation and the control of mRNA expression by microRNAs
RNA modifications
Non-coding RNAs



Venue: EMBL Heidelberg

Website: https://www.embl.org/about/info/course-and-conference-office/events/ees22-10/