Webinar: MBoC Research Highlights from special issue on Cell Biology of the Nervous System

This webinar will be moderated by lead editors Stephanie Gupton (University of North Carolina) and Avital Rodal (Brandeis University) and will feature 3 lighting talks highlighting new research and methodologies published in the special issue Cell Biology of the Nervous System.



Avital Rodal
Brandeis University

Stephanie Gupton
University of North Carolina






Starts: May 22, 2024 1:00 pm

Ends: May 22, 2024 2:00 pm


Excess Phosphoserine-129 a-Synuclein Induces Synaptic Vesicle Trafficking and Declustering Defects at a Vertebrate Synapse
Jaqulin Wallace
Marine Biological Laboratory


Identification of Neuronal Membrane Proteasome-derived Peptides that Modulate Neuronal Signaling
Fulya Turker
The Scripps Research Institute


Regulation of Neurofilament Length and Transport by a Dynamic Cycle of Phospho-dependent Polymer Serving and Annealing
Atsuko Uchida
Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences