Meet the Funders: NIH Center for Scientific Review

Meet the Funders, An ASCB Virtual Meeting Series

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between a Scientific Review Officer (SRO) and a Program Officer and which can help you at different points in the NIH grant process? Are you curious about how grant applications are reviewed and what the actual process is?

Take 30 minutes from your day to have a conversation with the head of the Cell and Developmental Biology Review Branch of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH)’s Center for Scientific Review (CSR). CSR reviews 76% of all NIH grant applications. You can ask questions, listen to questions others may have or do both.

ASCB is sponsoring this series of virtual meetings with funding officers from the leading federal funders of biomedical research. The series provides ASCB members with the opportunity to get advice about the direction of their research funding.

Upcoming Meet the Funders Date

August 29, 2024
NIH Center for Scientific Review
1:00 pm – 1:30 pm ET

Chief of the Cell and Developmental Biology Review Branch, Center for Scientific Review, NIH

Registration Information
Meet the Funders is an ASCB Members Only Event. If you’re a non-member and would like to attend this valuable series, sign up for ASCB membership today.


Starts: August 29, 2024 1:00 pm

Ends: August 29, 2024 1:30 pm

Cost: $0 for ASCB Members. You must be an ASCB Member to attend this event.