The Post


May 22, 2023

MBoC editor Gia Voeltz of University of Colorado, Boulder has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Congratulations!

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Mary Munson

Mary Munson elected 2025 ASCB President

May 11, 2023

Mary Munson has been elected by ASCB members to serve as President of the Society in 2025. Munson is a…

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Returning to the lab and my career

May 11, 2023

Dear Labby, In March 2020, I was entering the last year of my postdoc when my child’s daycare center shut…

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April 26, 2023

Congratulations to MBoC editors Sandra Wolin, Amy Gladfelter, and Yukiko Yamashita who have been elected to the American Academy of…

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June 2023 Newsletter

April 26, 2023

Read our June issue with advice on mentoring, professional development, and attributions

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April 2023 Newsletter

April 26, 2023

Read our April issue with news on COMPASS Outreach Grants, legislative and federal budget updates, and proposals for restorative justice.

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ASCB Awards Now Open For Submissions

April 18, 2023

ASCB’s Call for Awards Nominations is now open with a variety of honorific awards that recognize members for their excellence…

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Annual Leadership Ballot Update

April 3, 2023

The ASCB annual leadership ballot is now open. We encourage all ASCB members—Current Regular, Postdoc, Grad, Educator, and Emeritus members—to…

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President Biden Releases Mediocre Science Budget Proposal

March 15, 2023

Each spring, American presidents publish their proposals for the funding of the various federal departments and programs for the next…

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Anti-Science Bills Appear in Mid-West Legislatures

March 15, 2023

At the same time public attention was focused on international balloons, anti-science bills were floating over the mid-west of the…

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