The Post

Nicholas R. Davenport to receive MBoC Paper of the Year Award

October 5, 2017

Nicholas R. Davenport of the Program in Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, was named by the Molecular…

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Hone your elevator speech

October 5, 2017

Want some help perfecting your elevator speech? Being able to summarize your scientific research concisely and eloquently is crucial—whether you’re…

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Behind the scenes at ASCB

October 4, 2017

As a member of ASCB you know that we support cell biologists by helping them share their research through our…

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Will Congress set back fetal tissue research?; Congress poised to reject Trump cuts to NIH, NSF budgets

October 4, 2017

Will Congress Set Back Fetal Tissue Research? In the weeks before Congress adjourned for its August recess, the House of…

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You’re not alone: postdoctoral associations as a way to create a supportive network

September 29, 2017
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The world “postdoc” simply means “after doctorate,” which does not define the job, but rather simply states that one got…

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Hartl and Horwich named 2017 E.B. Wilson Medalists

September 22, 2017

ASCB has selected F. Ulrich Hartl of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry and Arthur Horwich of the Yale School…

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Cornell’s Scott D. Emr to deliver 2017 Porter Lecture

September 22, 2017

Scott D. Emr will give the 2017 Keith Porter Lecture at the 2017 ASCB|EMBO Meeting this December in Philadelphia. Emr…

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Career enhancement sessions provide diverse offerings for meeting attendees

September 21, 2017
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Along with the myriad scientific speeches, talks, and Symposia offered at the 2017 ASCB|EMBO Meeting in Philadelphia this December, the…

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2017 EMBO Gold Medal winner Maya Schuldiner credits work-life balance for her success

September 21, 2017

For her significant contributions to the understanding of protein synthesis, trafficking, and quality control, Maya Schuldiner of the Weizmann Institute…

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Scientists without borders: Club SciWri

September 20, 2017
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It was a crisp fall afternoon when I attended a lecture by Ananda Ghosh on technology transfer at Albert Einstein…

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