The Post

How to Know What Your Students Know before It's Too Late

May 10, 2017
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Regardless of our current role in academe, education—for us and for our students—is central to our identity as scientists. With…

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ASCB-Gibco Emerging Leader Prize Essays May 2017

May 9, 2017

In fall 2016, ASCB awarded ASCB-Gibco Emerging Leader Prizes to three cell biology researchers. ASCB introduced the prizes to honor…

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Looking Beyond the Individual: Reflections on E.E. Just and How Academic Institutions Shape Scientific Careers

May 9, 2017
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This President’s Column is by guest columnist Daniel Colón-Ramos, recipient of the 2016 E.E. Just Award from the ASCB and…

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NIH proposes new funding scheme

May 8, 2017

On May 2, the NIH made an announcement that will change the way it will fund research. In a post…

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The Collaborating Trailing Spouse

May 8, 2017
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Dear Labby, I am the “trailing” spouse. When it was time for my wife and me to get “real” jobs…

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Keeping your enthusiasm up when science gets you down

May 5, 2017
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As many of us have figured out at this point, science is not as glamorous as it may seem. Everyday…

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Trump Budget Would be Catastrophic for NIH; Better Never Than Late

May 4, 2017

It’s hard to settle on one word to define the size of the cuts to the National Institutes of Health…

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Eight ASCB members among those newly elected to National Academy of Sciences

May 3, 2017

The American Society for Cell Biology would like to congratulate eight ASCB members who have recently been elected to the…

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How Cell Biologists Work: Prachee Avasthi on ‘exuberantly’ tackling elegant experiments and the value of preprints

April 21, 2017

In this edition of How Cell Biologists Work, we interview  Prachee Avasthi, assistant professor of anatomy and cell biology and…

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How international scientists can advocate, and how U.S. scientists can support them

April 19, 2017

In the current political climate in the United States, many scientists are looking to become more politically engaged or to…

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