The Post

Cell News—Of COPII vesicles and sour pickles

June 21, 2016

COPII, the coat protein complex II, is the cargo master of the cell. Stationed close to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER),…

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ASCB’s New Executive Director—Taking On a Scientific Society in a World of Change

June 20, 2016

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that…

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Conquering the Scientific Rut

June 17, 2016

Although scientists often embark on research questions full steam ahead, there are times along the way where they may encounter…

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Cell News—Cap and shoulder above in muscle plasma membrane repair

June 16, 2016

Now you’ve done it. Run too far, lifted too much, or played tennis too long. You’re worried that you may…

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Cell News—Scaling up DNA editing

June 15, 2016

Easily editing a cell’s native DNA to make specific proteins glow is a cell biologist’s dream. The glowing GFP-tagged proteins…

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A Cellular “Google Earth” Is First Big Project of Allen Institute, Horwitz Tells ASCB Council

June 14, 2016

The Allen Institute for Cell Science was officially announced two years ago at an ASCB Annual Meeting by a former…

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Cell News—First evidence of prions in flowering plants

June 13, 2016

Their very existence was once controversial but prions now move in the best scientific circles, having been documented in animals…

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Research Ethics First, Accolades Later

June 10, 2016

Most of us became scientists because we are curious about the world around us,and want to delve deeply into how…

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Josh Henkin—Founder and Career Counselor at STEM Career Services

June 9, 2016

1. Please describe your current position. I am the founder of STEM Career Services. STEM Career Services is a career…

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Congress and the NIH Spending Bill: The beginning of a beautiful friendship?

June 8, 2016

It turns out they like us, or so they say. Basic researchers should take note that for the second year…

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