The Post

Fetal Tissue Vital to Medical Research, ASCB Tells House Panel

April 4, 2016

Noted stem cell researcher and former chair of the ASCB Public Policy Committee Larry Goldstein told a politically charged congressional…

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Consensus Grows on Preprints in Biology

April 4, 2016

On February 16–17 at Howard Hughes Medical Institute headquarters outside of Washington, DC, 70 attendees (junior and senior scientists, representatives…

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How to Write a Shared Instrumentation Grant Application—and Get It Funded!

April 4, 2016
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Scientific progress and breakthroughs are often facilitated by the development and application of new technologies and cutting-edge equipment, which is…

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On Reproducibility and Clocks

April 4, 2016

It is not easy to build a clock. When my daughter got married, I decided to build a clock as…

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Resisting Intimidation

April 4, 2016

Dear Labby, I’m a graduate student in the second year of my PhD in Virology. My research is going great,…

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In Memoriam: Howard Green, Alfred Gilman, and Jeff Schatz

April 4, 2016
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ASCB notes the deaths late last year of three cell biology pioneers—Howard Green, Alfred Gilman, and Gottfried “Jeff” Schatz. All…

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Books by Members

April 4, 2016
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MEMBERS in the News

April 1, 2016
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Corporate Members

April 1, 2016

The ASCB is grateful for its Corporate Members! Gold Allen Institute for Cell Science Getson & Schatz, P.C. Nikon Instruments,…

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President Obama’s Budget Is Released with a Bang but Received with a Whimper

April 1, 2016

President Obama’s final budget, for FY17, was expected to continue the funding growth for the National Institutes of Health (NIH)…

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