The Post

Imminent Impact: How important is this index?

January 22, 2016

In the field of publishing in science, impact factor continues to play a major role in determining the quality of…

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From Aeronautical Engineering to Cell Biology, Mary Teruel Wants to Know How Things Work

January 21, 2016

Mary Frances Nunez Teruel graduated with a PhD in Aeronautical Engineering from Stanford in 1996. A decade later, she is…

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What’s True About the Canonical Genome, Except When It’s Not

January 20, 2016

The book world usually provides the metaphors for genomics, likening genes to words or chapters, but in his Keith Porter…

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Phages Patrol the Front Lines of Our Mucosal Innate Immune System

January 19, 2016

Bacteriophages, viruses that infect and replicate within bacteria, are being rebranded. Once tolerated as harmless inhabitants in the jungle of…

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Communicating Science to the Public: Perspectives from the ASCB 2015 Annual Meeting

January 15, 2016
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Of the many themes running through this year’s annual ASCB conference, one that stood out was how vitally important it…

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Cell News—Inhibiting amino acid synthetase reduces sarcoma growth

January 14, 2016

Sarcomas have a below-average cancer survival rate, but finding new targets will help improve survivability. Simone Hettmer and colleagues in…

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Collective Behavior by Moonlight—Arctic Zooplankton Switch to Lunar Time in Winter

January 13, 2016

Given the growing interest in conceptualizing cell motility in terms of collective behavior by autonomous units, here is a novel…

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Théry’s Bounceback Microtubules Dazzle ASCB Audience

January 12, 2016

Even at a molecular level, what doesn’t kill can strengthen. Microtubules, a key molecule in the makeup of the cell’s…

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From Dicty to COPD, Kliment Searches for Breakthrough

January 11, 2016

                              They can be housed in…

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Make your voice heard on preprints in biology

January 8, 2016
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The primary job of a scientist is to discover knowledge and communicate it to the community. Unfortunately, while technology is…

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