The Post

ASCB Celldance 2015 Premieres—Now Is the Golden Age of Cell Imaging

December 14, 2015

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Cell biology research comes in all shapes and methods these days but a common pursuit unites many labs—they make awesome…

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Labby “Outed” as ASCB Honors Thoru Pederson

December 14, 2015

Ending ten years of excellent advice and clever misdirection, Thoru Pederson was “outed” Saturday night as Labby, the pseudonymous author…

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Brain Cancer Self-Organizes into Streams, Swirls, and Spheres

December 14, 2015

Commonly, we think of cancer as anarchy, a leaderless mob of deranged cells, storming through the body. Pedro Lowenstein, Sebastien…

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Amoebas Reveals How Human Airway Cells Rally Against Cigarette Smoke Damage

December 14, 2015

Everyone knows that cigarette smoke is bad for your lungs. Just how bad can be seen in chronic obstructive pulmonary…

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How Can You Get Involved?

December 14, 2015

Advocate Participate in regularly scheduled trips to Capitol Hill. Send messages about critical legislative action on Capitol Hill. You receive…

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Prime Suspect—Susanne Rafelski Will Explore Latest Evidence Linking Mitochondria and Cancer Biology at ASCB 2015

December 14, 2015

For cancer biology detectives, mitochondria have not been on the “Most Wanted” list of cellular suspects. Now growing evidence and…

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The Startup Life—Visit Startup Central in the ASCB Learning Center

December 13, 2015

Have You Got What It Takes? Have They Got What You Want? Galileo sold telescopes, well, at least one before…

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Adding 85.9K Characters of Better Cell Biology to Wikipedia at ASCB 2015 Edit-a-Thon

December 13, 2015

The world’s largest encyclopedia gained a little more cell biology expertise Sunday, 85,900 characters to be exact. They were added…

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Ants Self-Organize, Just like Cells in Nervous Systems and Embryos, Says Deborah Gordon

December 13, 2015

Sunday, December 13, Ballroom 20BC 
10:15am – 10:45am Stanford biologist Deborah M. Gordon has spent much of the last 30…

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Cancer cell collaborators smooth the way for cancer cells to metastasize

December 13, 2015

To get moving, metastasizing cancer needs to enlist non-cancerous collaborators. Suspicions about where these secret cancer allies might be lurking…

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