The Post

Curtain Finally Going up on President’s “Precision Medicine” Plan

January 30, 2015

On Monday, the President’s Fiscal Year 2016 federal budget proposal will be released, and expectations are high for some encouraging…

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One Postdoc’s Adventures in Science Education Outreach

January 30, 2015
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Ask a scientist why they don’t engage with the public, and they are likely to tell you that they simply…

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NIH Director Collins Hails ASCB’s Celldance Video As “Microscopic Blockbuster”

January 29, 2015

In his “NIH Director’s Blog,” Francis Collins has singled out an ASCB 2014 Celldance video as a “microscopic blockbuster” and…

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Our People—Peter Walter’s Award-Winning Year

January 28, 2015

ASCB President Elect for 2016 Peter Walter is best known for his role in the discovery of the unfolded protein…

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Final Salami Slice Reveals the Elusive Ciliary Transition Zone

January 27, 2015

It has been a now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t piece of the ciliary apparatus. During cell division, the transition zone (TZ) between the…

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Our People—Biggins Wins Genetics Prize, Iwasa Wins NIH Director’s Praise

January 26, 2015

ASCB member Sue Biggins of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle has been awarded the Novitski Prize by…

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Women in Science: Fight or Flight?

January 23, 2015

[dt_fancy_image type=”” style=”1″ lightbox=”true” align=”left” padding=”10″ margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”10″ margin_right=”10″ margin_left=”10″ width=”450″ animation=”none” media=”” image_alt=”ASCB Photo” hd_image=”” image=””][/dt_fancy_image]For decades the question…

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Nature Publishing Group Climbs Onto Another Giant’s Shoulders

January 22, 2015

Isaac Newton is famously said to have said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders…

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NASA Funding for Your Basic Cell Research Could Be Orbiting Overhead

January 21, 2015

When you next look up at the night sky, know that among the stars and planets there’s a new cell…

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Keynote Talks Take the Very Long View at ASCB/IFCB 2014

January 20, 2015

ASCB’s joint meeting in Philadelphia with the International Federation for Cell Biology (IFCB) last month was all about crossing borders.…

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