The Post

Gravity—It’s the Law Even for Cells

December 8, 2014

Everybody knows that cells are microscopic, but why? Why aren’t cells bigger? The average animal cell is 10 microns across…

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Blood Brain Barrier on a Chip Could Stand in for Children in Pediatric Brain Research

December 8, 2014

In the human brain, the BBB is not the Better Business Bureau but the blood brain barrier and the BBB…

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Foldscope Inventor Manu Prakash Shows Students How to Reveal Aliens

December 7, 2014

An alien-like creature came in and out of focus on two large screens in a Philadelphia conference room yesterday. You…

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A Long Way to Give a Lecture—Avery August’s Road to the E.E. Just Lecture at ASCB/IFCB 2014

December 7, 2014
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Avery August who will give the E.E. Just Lecture at 3:00 pm at the 2014 ASCB/IFCB meeting has traveled a…

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An Unholy Alliance—Colon Cancer Cells in situ Co-Opt Fibroblasts in Surrounding Tissue to Break Out

December 7, 2014

It means cancer “in place” but a carcinoma “in situ” often does not want to keep its place. Standing between…

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Screening for Matrix Effect in Leukemia Subtypes Could Sharpen Chemotherapy Targeting

December 7, 2014

Location, location, location goes the old real estate proverb but cancer also responds to its neighborhood, particularly in the physical…

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Complementary Light Switchable Proteins and Superresolution Reveal Moving Protein Complexes in Live Cells at Single Molecule Level

December 7, 2014

Cells are restless. They move during embryogenesis, tissue repair, regeneration, chemotaxis. Even in disease, tumor metastasis, cells get around. To…

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Social and Outreach Events at the 2014 ASCB/IFCB Meeting

December 5, 2014

The 2014 ASCB/IFCB meeting is the place to expand your scientific knowledge, present your research, and explore career options. Additionally,…

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The End of the Line—ASCB/IFCB Meeting Opens Saturday in Philadelphia

December 4, 2014

Railroad buffs and out-of-towners who attended the 2010 ASCB Annual Meeting will take note when their SEPTA train from the…

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Pruning Landscapes—An Interview with Jeff Lichtman

December 3, 2014

Pruning is something that Jeff Lichtman understands. A professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard Medical School, Lichtman investigates…

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