The Post

Science, a Cause Worth Fightin’ for

August 22, 2014

Although there may be quite a lot of science in the news lately (the Ebola scare, climate change, 2013 Merriam-Webster’s…

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Are Unpaid Postdocs the Next Trend in Biomedical Research?

August 15, 2014
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San Diego radio station KPBS reported last year that a local lab was looking for a PhD to work for…

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Nontraditional Science Careers: Consultant

August 14, 2014

The secret is out. There is life beyond the lab or the classroom for someone with a PhD in molecular…

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Know What You’re Getting into Before Grad School

August 8, 2014
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There are many reasons for wanting to go to graduate school: You want to become a professor, you love pipetting…

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Life Outside Lab? I Can Have One of Those?

August 1, 2014

Playing a musical instrument. Ballroom dancing. Musical theater. Knitting. Painting. Woodworking. What do all of these activities have in common?…

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ASCB Rescues Federal Scientists from Capitol Hill Sausage Grinder

July 31, 2014

Making sausage and making legislation are not spectator sports but someone has to keep an eye on what’s going into…

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Lydia Villa-Komaroff Learned in the Lab “What It Might Be Like to Fly”

July 30, 2014

“I grew up in a very big family in a very small house,” says Lydia Villa-Komaroff. That house was in…

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For Scientific Publishing, the Future is Now

July 25, 2014

Will traditional publishing go the way of the printed journal? Photo by Robert Cudmore (CC BY-SA 2.0)A collaborator and I…

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Applying for Academic Faculty Jobs, Part 2: The Interviews

July 18, 2014

In my last post, I covered the initial steps of applying for academic faculty jobs, basically preparing and submitting the application…

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The Study of Being a Neighbor

July 11, 2014

Scientists can be reclusive. Not just in the “lab work all day, time course all night, cell culture all weekend”…

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