The Post

Hands on Data: How to Make Flip Books for Science

November 29, 2013
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With the advent of smartphones and tablets, bringing movies to poster sessions is becoming more common than ever before. Even…

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The Congressional No-Travel Scientific Award?

November 27, 2013

Federal scientists, unpack your bags. That’s the message from Congress, which for a second time in a matter of weeks…

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A Local Meeting—From South Korea to West Virginia, the ASCB Underwrites Locally Organized Sessions

November 25, 2013

The Kanawha River cuts through Charleston, West Virginia, on its way north to join the Ohio. On this brilliant October…

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What If You Want to be a Postdoc Forever?

November 22, 2013
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Jim started his postdoc 15 years ago and never left. He loves working at the bench, publishes regularly, and has…

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How to Print a Fabric Poster

November 15, 2013

As the Annual Meeting approaches, it’s time to start thinking about printing your poster. If you’re not looking forward to…

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As Journal Impact Factor Loses Respectability, Can Altmetrics Provide Other Measures?

November 12, 2013

It’s been nearly a year since an insurgent group of scientists and journal editors gathered in San Francisco at the…

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Writing Science for Non-scientists

November 8, 2013

ASCB PhotoWhen I started reading it, my head felt foggy and my eyes glazed over. My PhD in biology did…

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From Stockholm to New Orleans, ASCB’s Nobel Laureates Detour to Address Annual Meeting

November 7, 2013

It was in San Diego and nearly 40 years ago but Randy Schekman still vividly remembers his first ASCB Annual…

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Nontraditional Science Careers: Patent Agent

November 4, 2013

After following a traditional path in science, Kyle Gurley opted for a career as a patent agent. Photo Credit: Bozicevic,…

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How to Put Your Poster in the Cloud

November 1, 2013

Imagine walking up to a poster, snapping a QR code with your smartphone, and being connected to a permanent and…

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