The Post

Interview with Arturo Casadevall on Scientific Misconduct

October 25, 2013

1) Retractions in the scientific literature seem to be more common now than 10 years ago. How often are articles…

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“Publish or Perish” and the Plague of Scientific Misconduct

October 18, 2013

It is truly alarming to see the sharp increase in retractions in the scientific literature due to misconduct such as…

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Talk Science, No Big Words- Take the “UpGoer” Challenge

October 11, 2013

The UpGoer contest was inspired by the xkcd comic describing the Saturn V rocket as the “Up Goer Five.”“I study…

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ASCB Members Win Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

October 7, 2013

Two longtime ASCB members, Randy Schekman of the University of California, Berkeley, and James Rothman of Yale University, have won…

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3D printing: Cell Biology and Beyond!

October 4, 2013

What is 3D printing? 3D printing is the process of printing a three-dimensional object from a computer-generated model. It utilizes…

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Jacqueline Nielsen, Senior Medical Writer at AbbVie, Inc.

September 27, 2013

1. What is your current position? Senior Medical Writer, AbbVie, Inc. 2. How far in advance of your planned starting…

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An Invisible-Becoming-Visible Minority?

September 27, 2013
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We recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of the march on Washington and Martin Luther King Jr’s I Have a Dream…

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What Is ASCB’s Celldance?

September 20, 2013

When I first heard of the ASCB Celldance contest, I thought it might involve an interpretative dance, so I steered clear…

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What on Earth Is an ePoster and How Do I Make One?

September 17, 2013

In the grand march of human history, first there was the cave wall and charcoal. Then came the inked poster.…

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How to Use Prezi to Make a Dynamic ePoster Talk

September 12, 2013

ePoster talks are an exciting new format being debuted this year at ASCB. During normal poster sessions, selected posters will…

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