The Post

Building a community to support the advancement of postdocs

June 11, 2021
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What does it mean to be “ready” to apply for faculty positions? In a recent keynote address, Kemi Doll (an…

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Stalled Lander nomination moves forward

June 11, 2021

As one of its last actions before leaving Washington, DC, on May 28, 2021, for a week at home with…

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ER uses workaround to achieve quality control

June 10, 2021

To function properly, a protein must not only be transcribed correctly, it must be folded into the right shape. When…

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ASCB council votes on changes that impact MBoC journal, annual meeting

June 10, 2021

The ASCB Council met online on May 24. Changes at MBoC Director of Publications Mark Leader made several recommendations for…

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How you can advocate for science—and for yourself—in the wake of COVID-19

June 10, 2021

ASCB President Ruth Lehmann invited Holly Goodson, chair of ASCB’s Public Policy Committee, to be the guest author for this…

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How Cell Biologists Work with Crystal Rogers

June 10, 2021
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In this installment of ASCB’s How Cell Biologists Work, we feature the pioneering scientist Crystal Rogers. Rogers is currently an…

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ASCB COMPASS Outreach Spotlight: Caribbean Youth Development Institute

June 3, 2021
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The Caribbean is known for being a region with bright, exuberant people. There was no exception to this notion when…

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Choosing the right PI

June 2, 2021

Choosing a good PI is an integral part of a healthy and prosperous graduate school experience. Your advisor should in…

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COMPASS Outreach Spotlight: Stories in Science

June 1, 2021
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Science is driven by people who face frustrations, mistakes, failures, success, discovery, doubt, lack of motivation, confusion, disagreements, and so…

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Finding and starting your postdoc during a pandemic

May 20, 2021
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When the COVID-19 pandemic first shut down university research labs, many trainees had to put their career progress on hold.…

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