The Post

Women’s Careers in Cell Biology: Perspectives from Around the Globe

January 22, 2021
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A career as an academic scientist is impacted by gendered issues that are as diverse as the countries and cultures…

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LGBTQ+ Ally Session

January 22, 2021
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The LGBTQ+ Ally Session is the complement to the LGBTQ+ Diversity session at the 2020 meeting. It is designed to…

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Staying productive when the pandemic stalls your research

January 22, 2021

Dear Labby, I started my third year in graduate school this fall, and I am starting to get desperate and…

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Virtual babysitting: A small patch for the childcare challenge

January 20, 2021
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COVID-19: As scientists, we can glory in our community’s creativity and use of technology in generating multiple vaccines in record…

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ASCB’s biotech course offers practical info for job seekers

January 20, 2021
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It can be daunting to try to find a job outside academia if that’s all you know about. Let ASCB…

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FIB-SEM: A new way to comprehensively visualize whole cells and tissues

January 19, 2021

Imagine a form of microscopy of whole cells where not just the usual three or four organelle types are labeled…

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ASCB members elected as AAAS Fellows

January 15, 2021

Each year the American Association for the Advancement of Science elects scientists to receive the lifetime distinction of being named…

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Member profile: Joyonna Gamble-George

January 15, 2021
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Joyonna Gamble-George is a bit of a Renaissance woman involved in all the letters of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts,…

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Updates from the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce

January 14, 2021
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That 2020 was a hard year is an understatement. The coronavirus locked down our labs and schools, ravaged our nation,…

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ASCB opens program committee to volunteers

January 13, 2021

As part of its efforts to boost diversity and inclusion at its annual meeting, the American Society for Cell Biology…

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