The Post

Careers depend on how research is assessed

July 1, 2019
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Filling a faculty position can be a daunting process. Universities can receive hundreds of applications for a single opening. But…

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Alliance managers: at the interface of academia and industry

July 1, 2019
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In my job as an alliance manager I work at the interface of academia and industry, managing large-scale, industry-sponsored research…

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ASCB Members

Help grow your professional society’s membership

July 1, 2019

Members of the American Society for Cell Biology are our greatest strength. What better way to bolster your Society than…

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Becoming an agent of change

June 30, 2019
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I am 38 years old, but vividly still remember how it felt to be 12 and suddenly gay. Don’t get…

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Science outreach in the social media era

June 28, 2019
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The importance of social media in our lives—the good, the bad, and everything in between—is not surprising to anyone. The…

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June 27, 2019

I often speak to students, both undergraduate and graduate, about their career plans. And one of the things that has…

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Becoming an LGBTQ+ ally as a mentor or peer

June 27, 2019
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Regardless of your background, almost everyone has had the experience of feeling like an outsider. For some of us, it…

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What do you want to be when you grow up?

June 26, 2019

One advantage of being ASCB’s President is that I get this bully pulpit and can make an extended argument for…

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The power of representation and role models for LGBTQ+ scientists

June 25, 2019
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I remember the moment I recognized my queerness for what it was, when I first learned there were options for…

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Important NIH regulations on foreign financial connections

June 25, 2019

Recent science media attention has focused on foreign nations stealing data and research results from research laboratories in the United…

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