The Post

Abby Dernburg

Abby Dernburg on meiosis and mindfulness

January 4, 2019

Our profile this month for How Cell Biologists Work is Abby Dernburg,  a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and a…

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Laptops or No Laptops in Class? It’s Complicated

January 2, 2019

Dear Education Committee, I’m considering a no-laptop policy in my class because I notice that students get distracted when they…

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Career Options for Cell Biologists

January 1, 2019

Joel Tolson, Graduate Student Career Advisor, University of California, San Diego This session will provide an overview of the variety…

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MD-PhD, Is it Right for Me?

January 1, 2019

Paul Insel, University of California, San Diego Neil Chi, University of California, San Diego Mary Lewinski, University of California, San…

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Careers in Science: Academic Core Facilities

January 1, 2019

Supported by Nikon Instruments, Inc.   Josh Rappoport, Core Facility Director, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine – Managing a…

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Dissecting Job Ads and Tailoring Your Résumé

January 1, 2019

Joe Cribari, Founder and CEO, JC3 Consulting Recruiters spend an average of just 5-7 seconds assessing a résumé or CV.…

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Navigating the Faculty Job Search at an R1 Institute

January 1, 2019

Jim Wilhelm, Assistant Professor, University of California, San Diego Kassandra Ori-McKenney, Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis Naiara Akizu, Assistant…

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Research Careers in Biotechnology

January 1, 2019

Ryan Taft, Senior Director of Scientific Research, Illumina Milos Lazic, Scientist, Jecure Therapeutics Mary Matyskiela, Senior Scientist, Celgene This session…

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A Sound-Based Probe for Cellular Mechanics

December 25, 2018

Researchers from the laboratory of Gijs Wuite at Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, collaborating with scientists from Weizmann Institute…

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Mutually beneficial research partnerships for equity and innovation in science

December 24, 2018
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When describing commitment necessary in professional sports, the Pro Football Hall of Fame coach and broadcaster John Madden described the…

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