The Post

Model Organism Quiz

December 8, 2018

Take the model organism quiz, and share your results with your colleagues and labmates!  

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Informational interviews: Four ways to transform weak ties into a strong network

November 30, 2018

Early on in my graduate career, I did a few informational interviews to learn more about different career options. I…

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Baltimore city youngsters combine art and science through Society funded program

November 23, 2018

Few things are more energizing than a classroom full of youngsters fully engaged in learning. Such was the case one…

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Bioprinting: Ethical and societal implications

November 16, 2018
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In a recent ASCB Post article in the “What’s it all about?” series, Amanda Haage explains developments in the recent…

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Three ways to improve the culture of lab-life balance

November 9, 2018

You’re exhausted from working long hours, but have you ever asked yourself how you spent your time? We live in…

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A good day at the polls for life science

November 8, 2018

The results of the Congressional elections on Tuesday have a little something to make everyone happy and a little something…

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Practical tips to make your lab more sustainable

November 2, 2018

If you’ve done bench work in a cell biology lab in the last 10 years, you’ve almost certainly used a…

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Melina Schuh

EMBO Gold Medal Winners Honored for Research on Meiosis Mistakes, Bacterial Defense

October 31, 2018

German biochemist and ASCB member Melina Schuh and Czech microbiologist Marek Basler have been awarded the 2018 EMBO Gold Medal.…

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What’s it all about? 3D bioprinting

October 26, 2018

The idea of scientists growing body parts in the lab usually conjures up images of popular science fiction, too farfetched…

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Inaugural Porter Prizes for Research Excellence

October 25, 2018

ASCB has named the winners of the inaugural Porter Prizes for Research Excellence. The $4,000 prize for outstanding postdoctoral research…

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