The Post

Physical sciences meet cell biology in special edition ‘Forces’ issue

August 9, 2018

The second annual edition of “Forces On and Within Cells, a special issue of Molecular Biology of the Cell, the peer-reviewed…

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Out and back: How searching for a non-academic career led me to academia

August 3, 2018
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In college, I joined the cross country team. I wanted to try something new and they needed bodies. To get…

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PALM Network: Developing Science Educators One Best Practice at a Time

July 31, 2018
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Helping to develop top-notch science educators is among ASCB’s top goals as a society. To support this endeavor, in 2016…

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In Memoriam: Günter Blobel, A Voyager of the Cell

July 30, 2018

It was with profound sadness that the cell biology community learned of the death of Günter Blobel on February 18,…

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How Cell Biologists Work: Omar Quintero on the power of undergraduate scientists

July 27, 2018
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Omar Quintero is an Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Richmond, in Richmond, VA. The University of Richmond…

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Conflict in the Lab: A Problem and an Opportunity

July 23, 2018
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  Conflict is a normal part of working with other people. If it is identified early and resolved effectively, it…

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Writing as a scientist: a skill for life

July 20, 2018
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In today’s intense research environment, scientists must become effective communicators in order to gain a competitive edge and to make…

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Mixed News on International Funding for Science

July 19, 2018

At the same time that the U.S. National Institutes of Health is benefiting from increases in its budget, the news in…

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preLights: Preprint highlights for biology

July 13, 2018
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Preprints are a growing trend that is pushing the pace of dissemination of scientific information. preLights is a new service that…

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Leticia Vega

Critical Career Transitions: So I Got Tenure, Now What?

July 11, 2018
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Three pillars of faculty development at most institutions are teaching, scholarship, and service. Though much attention has been given to…

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