The Post

Career Perspectives: Christy Trejo, Research Scientist at BioSpyder Technologies, Inc.

April 16, 2018
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Please describe your current position. BioSpyder Technologies, Inc. is a relatively small biotech company that features a potent assay for…

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MBoC solicits papers for a special issue on the Cell Biology of Stem Cells

April 13, 2018

Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC) Editor-in-Chief David Drubin has announced plans to publish a Special Issue on an important…

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Six ways to start something new in the lab

April 13, 2018
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You walk into the lab right on time (before 9:00 am of course!), pull out your precisely written protocol from…

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What scientific publishing could look like

April 10, 2018

If we were to create a way to share scientific research progress today, what would it look like? In this…

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Competitive sports and science not so different after all

April 6, 2018
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The Winter Olympics are one of the most exciting athletic events—it’s a culmination of the world’s top athletes putting on…

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New organoid moves us closer to better understanding of the human brain

April 4, 2018

Scientists seek to create model systems that accurately recapitulate conditions in living organisms so that they can study everything from…

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What it’s like to create a Celldance video

April 3, 2018

There is no doubt that we live in a society that is increasingly reliant on digital media, allowing us to…

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Holzbaur, Nogales run for ASCB president; Eight candidates seek council seats

April 2, 2018

The two nominees for ASCB President-Elect are Erika L.F. Holzbaur, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, and Eva Nogales,…

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We’re all frauds: managing imposter syndrome in grad school

March 30, 2018
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Imposter syndrome (or imposter phenomenon) is the feeling that you do not deserve to be where you are and that…

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CZI panelists say basic science holds key to cures for neurodegenerative diseases

March 23, 2018

A panel discussion, “The Challenge of Neurodegenerative Diseases: Will Cell Biology Hold the Answer?” hosted by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative…

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