Non-academic career paths for PhDs

September 27, 2019
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Jennifer Bagwell balances lab manager and research scientist responsibilities

September 13, 2019
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How mindfulness can help you take control in grad school

September 11, 2019
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How to make scientific figures accessible to readers with color-blindness

September 6, 2019
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Four leadership skills to boost your career

August 30, 2019
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What’s it all about? single-cell sequencing

August 16, 2019
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A guide for more effective teaching for scientists

August 9, 2019
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Facts are not enough: skills for effective science advocacy

August 2, 2019
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Improving sustainability in the research lab

July 23, 2019
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Shirin Bahmanyar: repairing the nuclear envelope; dismantling biases in STEM

July 19, 2019
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