ASCB Post Staff

Careers in Science Writing, Editing, and Communication

February 4, 2021
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Scientific writing skills gained during training can be applied in several ways, from the more conventional scientific editing and medical…

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Careers in Management and Business Development

February 4, 2021
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This session will be a panel discussion focused on careers in administration, business, product management and marketing. The interactive Q&A…

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Bench Based Industry Careers

February 4, 2021
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This session will be a panel discussion focused on research careers in industry. For academic scientists who enjoy the bench…

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LSE Special Issue–Community College Biology Education Research

February 2, 2021

Submit an Abstract Almost half of undergraduate students in the sciences pursue studies in community colleges (CCs), including the majority…

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Emerging Trends at the Intersection of Research Publishing, Open Science, and Academic Reward and Recognition Systems

January 22, 2021
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Efforts to improve scholarly publishing are closely tied to the academic reward and incentive system, in large part because journals…

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Women’s Careers in Cell Biology: Perspectives from Around the Globe

January 22, 2021
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A career as an academic scientist is impacted by gendered issues that are as diverse as the countries and cultures…

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LGBTQ+ Ally Session

January 22, 2021
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The LGBTQ+ Ally Session is the complement to the LGBTQ+ Diversity session at the 2020 meeting. It is designed to…

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In memoriam: Theodore Peters, Jr., clinical chemist

July 9, 2020

Theodore Peters, Jr., died at his home in Cooperstown, NY, on March 19. He was 97. Peters was a research…

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ASCB Condemns Racial Violence; Demands Change

June 1, 2020

Over the last week, particularly this past weekend, we watched with heavy hearts the killing of George Floyd while in…

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Create a Video Abstract to Accompany your MBoC Paper

May 28, 2020
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Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC) is teaming up with Science Sketches to help authors make animated video abstracts to accompany…

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