ASCB Staff

The Centrality of Cell Biology

February 8, 2017

My earliest encounter with cell biology occurred when I was in medical school during the early 1970s. The beauty and…

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Scientists and Patients Benefit from a Novel Approach to Legislating

February 7, 2017

Congress gets criticized for many things, but sometimes it gets things right and should be complimented. One of the times…

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ASCB Ensures Access to Conferences for Federal Scientists

February 7, 2017

Otto von Bismarck is reported to have said, “Laws are like sausages. It is better not to see them being…

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Effects of the Fair Labor Standards Act Update (or Lack Thereof) on the Postdoctoral Population

February 7, 2017

On December 1, 2016, the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was meant to be updated by the U.S. Department of…

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Seeing More at ASCB 2016: Pushing the Limits of Imaging

February 7, 2017

While the scores of sessions conducted over the course of the 2016 ASCB Annual Meeting resonated with the meeting’s theme,…

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Cellular Interactions at ASCB 2016

February 7, 2017

Among the myriad phenomena discussed at ASCB 2016, cell signaling and bacterial enzymes that set off eukaryote mating swarms were…

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How to Manage a “Hard Ask”: Negotiating Up and Down the Hierarchy

February 7, 2017
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You love being a scientist. Let’s re-state that: You love doing science but not some of the non-science activities that…

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The Year of Two Budgets

February 6, 2017

It’s supposed to be simple: The federal budget year ends on September 30 each year. By that time, Congress is…

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Tips to Combat Research Blues

November 7, 2016

Picture it: You’re in the throes of multiple experiments. Your lunch and dinner are often out of a paper sack…

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Self-Advocacy: Why It’s Uncomfortable, Especially for Women, and What to Do About It

November 7, 2016
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Self-advocacy—speaking or acting on our own behalf—is an increasingly important skill (for a primer on how to do it, see…

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