Claire Thomas

Deadname Walking

July 26, 2023
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Many transgender people make a legal name change as part of their transition to present in their preferred gender. A…

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Call me by my name

September 16, 2022
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Many transgender people make a legal name change as part of their transition to present in their preferred gender. A…

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Encouraging and retaining LGBTQ+ research trainees

August 5, 2021
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This is the first in a series of blog posts to be released this quarter by the ASCB LGBTQ+ committee…

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Paying undergraduate researchers would increase research diversity

May 11, 2021
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The immediate motivation for writing this blog post on behalf of the ASCB LGBTQ+ committee was to publicize some upcoming…

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Pride in Our Science

November 25, 2019
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June was LGBTQ+ Pride Month, and the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots that shaped the modern Pride movement. Despite…

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Transition on the tenure track

June 17, 2019
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As a newly minted associate member of the ASCB LGBTQ+ task force, I have been invited to write a blog…

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