John Fleischman

Ligon to Chair ASCB’s Public Information Committee

November 7, 2016

ASCB’s Public Information Committee (PIC) will have a new Chair in 2017. Lee Ligon, who is in the Department of…

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ASCB and EMBO Sign Deal for Joint 2017 and 2018 Meetings

November 7, 2016

In a world of science acronyms, two of the best known in research biology are coming together. The American Society…

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Cell News—Transcription Regulation That’s Not All in the Family

November 7, 2016

There is no shortage of complexity in animal cell biology but for sheer variety of unexpected mechanisms, plants are way…

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In Memoriam: Susan Lindquist, 67, Pioneer in Protein Folding Research

October 28, 2016

Susan L. Lindquist, a self-described scientific risk-taker who pioneered the field of protein folding died, aged 67, on Thursday, October…

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New Alan Hall Award Offers a Ride to ASCB 2016 for a Grad Student or Early Postdoc

October 24, 2016

The unexpected death at 62 of Alan Hall sent a shockwave last May through the cell biology research community in the…

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The Nuclear Organization Symposium at ASCB 2016: A Field Divided

October 19, 2016

Research in biology is driven by the constant tension between what we know (much) and what we don’t (much more). Take the…

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Changing Chairs: Lee Ligon To Lead ASCB’s Public Information Committee

October 18, 2016

ASCB’s Public Information Committee (PIC) will have a new Chair in 2017. The ASCB Council has chosen Lee Ligon of…

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Coming Attractions: Celldance Studios Unveils World Premiere Poster for Microscopic Blockbusters

October 12, 2016

The Earl of Grantham has sent his regrets and the Dowager Countess only a dismissive sniff but the downstairs servants…

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ASCB and EMBO Sign Deal for Joint 2017 and 2018 Meetings

October 11, 2016

In a world of science acronyms, two of the best known in research biology are coming together. The American Society…

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The 2016 ASCB Kaluza Prize Winners: Moonlighting, Histone Fidelity, and Phase Separation

October 4, 2016
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Moonlighting mitochondrial proteins, self-sorting signal proteins, and a histone protein keeping cell division faithful—these are among the discoveries made by…

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