Kevin M. Wilson

House Science Committee Reforms or Handcuffs the NSF? Your Perception Is Your Reality

April 27, 2015

Earlier this year, the internet went crazy over the color of a dress posted on the web. Was the dress…

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After a Long Deep Freeze, the NIH Budget Might Be in Bloom Again on Capitol Hill

April 16, 2015

There is a certain smell in the air on Capitol Hill these days. While spring break tourists might credit the…

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It’s Not All Yelling and Screaming—Dems and GOP Talk Sense about Medicine and Science in Back Rooms

March 31, 2015

Behind all the Washington, DC, brouhaha that makes the news, important things do get done in Congress. On a regular…

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On a Cold Day in February Unexpected Warmth, Not Heat, Greets NIH Leaders on the Hill

March 5, 2015

I was on Capitol Hill Tuesday morning for a congressional hearing on the fiscal year (FY) 2016 NIH budget. I…

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Follow the Yellow Brick Road—President’s FY 16 Budget Promises More NIH Grant Money

February 2, 2015

The Obama Administration sent its Fiscal Year 2016 budget proposal to Congress today and it contained good news for the…

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New update: Suddenly It’s FY16 at Federal Budget Rollout—NIH Details Emerging

February 2, 2015

Update: 3:15 pm For NIGMS, President’s FY16 budget proposal is $2.433 billion, an increase of $61.479 million from the FY15…

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Curtain Finally Going up on President’s “Precision Medicine” Plan

January 30, 2015

On Monday, the President’s Fiscal Year 2016 federal budget proposal will be released, and expectations are high for some encouraging…

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Did Superresolution Nobel Inspire Congressional Budget Resolution?

December 15, 2014

Perhaps it was the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry awarded to William E. Moerner, Eric Betzig, and Stefen Hell for…

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ASCB Rescues Federal Scientists from Capitol Hill Sausage Grinder

July 31, 2014

Making sausage and making legislation are not spectator sports but someone has to keep an eye on what’s going into…

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ASCB Takes the Hill

June 5, 2014

Getting the picture: Marty Chalfie (on right) explains unexpected impact from unexpected discovery to Representative Joe Crowley (D-NY) on ASCB Hill…

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