Kevin M. Wilson

ASCB opposes Trump Administration’s halt to fetal tissue research

June 6, 2019

The American Society for Cell Biology, a professional society of more than 8,000 basic biomedical researchers in all 50 states…

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Federally funded researchers must meet conflict of interest requirements

June 5, 2019

Recent news reports about potential theft of U.S. scientific intellectual property (IP) and scientific results are raising concerns in both…

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Five months and one government shutdown late

May 7, 2019

It was over five months late and resulted in a 35-day government shutdown, but Congress and the president have finally…

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State of the Union, take two

May 3, 2019

Nothing happens easily or on time these days in Washington, DC. The original date for the 2019 State of the…

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U.S. Science Advisor Finally Confirmed

March 11, 2019

It took the Trump White House about 18 months to nominate a director of the White House Office of Science…

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NIH takes further steps to address sexual harassment

February 28, 2019

In a  statement released today,  leaders at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) acknowledge that recent “…conversations have made it…

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Professional societies unveil consortium on sexual harassment in STEMM

February 15, 2019

The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) and 52 other leading academic and professional societies announced the creation the Societies…

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Potential changes to science publishing

February 8, 2019

An earthquake is slowly rumbling across the international scientific publishing landscape. Depending on the size of the quake, it could…

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Restarting the federal government; not like throwing a switch

February 6, 2019

The 35-day government shut down finally ended on January 25, 2019. Getting the operations of the federal government up and…

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Human Organoids: A New Dimension in Cell Biology

December 11, 2018

Human organoids are being hailed as a major development in biomedicine in a report issued by the American Society for…

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