Mary Spiro

Baltimore city youngsters combine art and science through Society funded program

November 23, 2018

Few things are more energizing than a classroom full of youngsters fully engaged in learning. Such was the case one…

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Melina Schuh

EMBO Gold Medal Winners Honored for Research on Meiosis Mistakes, Bacterial Defense

October 31, 2018

German biochemist and ASCB member Melina Schuh and Czech microbiologist Marek Basler have been awarded the 2018 EMBO Gold Medal.…

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Inaugural Porter Prizes for Research Excellence

October 25, 2018

ASCB has named the winners of the inaugural Porter Prizes for Research Excellence. The $4,000 prize for outstanding postdoctoral research…

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Ruth Lehmann

Ruth Lehmann to Deliver 2018 Keith Porter Lecture

October 24, 2018

Ruth Lehmann, chair of the Department of Cell Biology and director of the Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine at New…

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Gigi Lozano

Lozano Named 2018 E.E. Just Award Winner

October 23, 2018
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Each year the ASCB Minorities Affairs Committee chooses an outstanding underrepresented minority (URM) scientist who is known not only for…

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Kelsie Eichel Named 2018 Merton Bernfield Awardee

October 18, 2018

Kelsie Eichel, now a Damon Runyon postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Kang Shen at Stanford University, has been selected…

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Neuroscientist and Stem Cell Biologist Sergiu Pasca to Receive ASCB Early Career Life Scientist Award

October 17, 2018

Sergiu Pasca, assistant professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University, has been named recipient of the 2018 ASCB…

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Laura Lee Richardson

Laura Lee Richardson, 67, Cancer Researcher

October 12, 2018

Laura Lee Richardson, Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs and the Director of Preclinical Education at Marshall University Joan C. Edwards…

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Barbara Meyer

Geneticist Barbara Meyer Honored with 2018 E.B. Wilson Medal

October 9, 2018

ASCB’s highest scientific honor—the E.B. Wilson Medal—goes to Barbara Meyer for 2018. The award recognizes cell biologists who have made…

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Keynote Image

Stem Cells Principal Topic for Doorstep Meeting and Keynote Lecture

October 5, 2018

Both the day-long 2018 ASCB Doorstep Meeting on Saturday, December 8, and the Keynote Lecture that evening for the 2018…

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