WICB Mid-Career Award for Excellence in Research (no longer offered as of 2021)
About the Award
A woman at the mid-career level (7-15 years in an independent position at the nomination deadline) who has demonstrated a track record of exceptional scientific contributions to cell biology and/or has effectively translated cell biology across disciplines, and who exemplifies a high level of scientific endeavor and leadership.
Award Details
The winner is presented a plaque and $1,000 and will speak in a Minisymposium at Cell Bio Virtual 2020-An Online ASCB|EMBO Meeting. Meeting registration, economy airfare, up to 4 nights hotel, and up to 4 days per diem are paid.
Who is Eligible
How to Apply
Provide a letter of nomination, a full-length CV, and up to three letters of support, including at least one from outside the nominee’s institution.
The winner is presented a plaque and $1,000 and will speak in a Minisymposium at Cell Bio Virtual 2020- An Online ASCB|EMBO Meeting. Meeting registration, economy airfare, and up to 3 nights hotel are paid.
Award Winners
- 2020—Anne E. Carpenter
- 2020—Daniela Nicastro
- 2018—Elizabeth H. Chen
- 2017—Karen Oegema
- 2016—Tricia Serio
- 2015—Amy S. Gladfelter
- 2014—Valerie Weaver
- 2013—Elizabeth A. Miller