
Leticia Vega

Critical Career Transitions: So I Got Tenure, Now What?

July 11, 2018
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Finding your grad school family

July 6, 2018
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Mentoring undergraduates: all you need to know to help your summer student

June 29, 2018
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Toward a MIRAtocracy: An Interview with NIGMS Director Jon Lorsch

June 26, 2018
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Moving from diversity to inclusion

June 25, 2018
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How Cell Biologists Work: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz on uncovering biological surprises with microscopy; interdisciplinary science

June 22, 2018
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Is an Academic Career Just a Dream?

June 21, 2018
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Office Hours With the Education Committee – June 2018

June 15, 2018
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Let’s face lab bullying, part 3

June 8, 2018
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Controlling the chaos: trainee tips for keeping the lab organized

June 1, 2018
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