Minisymposia Talks are 10-12 minutes with a 3-5 minute Q&A (15 minutes total per speaker). Each minisymposium is 1.5 hours long and contains six talks. Talks are both pre-recorded by the speakers and uploaded in November and presented live at the meeting. A live Q&A will follow each talk at the in-person meeting. The pre-recorded talks will be used in case an attendee is unable to present live at the meeting. The pre-recorded talks will be available on demand for registered attendees until the end of January 2023.
There are up to 31 scientific Minisymposia and one Education Minisymposium. Specific Minisymposia titles will be determined in September after all abstracts are submitted and reviewed, and sessions are formed. Minisymposia will be driven by the abstracts received under the seven scientific meeting tracks and the education track. Seven scientific Minisymposia will run concurrently in each designated time slot. The Minisymposia are on Sunday, December 3, and Tuesday, December 5, from 3:40 pm to 5:10 pm and 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. The Education Minisymposium is on December 3 from 3:40 pm to 5:10 pm.
Abstracts submitted for Minisymposia consideration will go through concealed (author information hidden) scoring by the co-chairs for the primary track you choose. Those same reviewers may decide to re-assign your abstract to your secondary track, if you select one.
Minisymposia speakers do not receive funds to attend the meeting. If you need travel assistance, consider applying for a travel grant, deadline September 5.
View Minisymposia Scientific Tracks and Abstract Topics