Meeting Policies and Terms

Health and Safety Protocols

The ASCB and EMBO strongly encourage individuals be vaccinated for COVID-19 in accordance with current CDC recommendations. There are no mask mandates for the meeting. The use of masks may be necessary for individuals based on their individual situation. We recommend the use of masks as appropriate.

Anti-Harassment Policy

ASCB is committed to providing a welcoming, safe, productive, harassment-free meeting environment for all participants, regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, race, color, age, marital status, veteran status, socioeconomic status, or religion. Our members and meeting attendees are graduate students, professors, and scientists who are conscious and protective of human rights and dignity.

Consequently, as a policy matter, all those present at any ASCB event, venue, or meeting, including staff, members, attendees, vendors, and exhibitors (“Participants”) are expected to avoid engaging in improper conduct and incidents of harassment, sexual harassment or misconduct, or bias. Violations of this policy can result in removal from the event, with or without refund of fees, as determined in the discretion of the ASCB Chief Executive Officer.

This policy applies to our Annual Meeting, other ASCB-run activities, or events convened primarily to conduct ASCB business, and covers harassment and discrimination by or toward all attendees and participants, including scientists, educators, students, guests, exhibitors, event staff, volunteers, vendors, venue staff, and contractors. Please report any harassment to Alison Harris, Director of Meetings, in the ASCB Meetings Management Office in Room 102A.

Recording, Photography, and Cell Phone Policy, and Session Etiquette

While you are in a session, mute all cell phones and other electronic devices. If necessary, step out to the hallway to make a call, or send an email or text. The back-lighting on electronic devices is distracting in a dimmed room.

The Society does not permit photography or the electronic capture of scientific sessions in meeting rooms or the Exhibit Hall. This policy also includes photographing colleagues against the backdrop of scientific posters on display without the express consent of the presenting author(s).

These policies will be enforced by the Society. Individuals who do not comply will be asked to leave the session or Exhibit Hall floor and not be allowed room re-entry. Repeat offenders will have their meeting badge(s) revoked and will not be allowed to continue to attend the meeting. This policy is necessary to respect the willingness of presenters to share their data at the meeting as well as their publication opportunities. If you have any questions regarding these policies, contact Alison Harris in the Meeting Management Office, Room 103.


Children of Cell Bio 2023 Meeting attendees are welcome to attend the meeting with their parent or guardian as long as the child is under the supervision of a parent or guardian at all times, and they follow all protocols put in place for attendees. Parents or guardians may bring children under the age of 17 to educational events provided the child does not disrupt the event.

Strollers are allowed in the meeting rooms as long as they do not block aisles or emergency exit doors. Strollers are also allowed in the Exhibit Hall, with the exception of set-up and dismantle times*. Parents and guardians are asked to keep in mind corridors, meeting rooms, and the Exhibit Hall can become crowded. Be aware that small children in strollers are at the same level as someone carrying a poster tube, bag, briefcase, umbrella, or other object. Badges will not be issued to children under the age of 17.

*Under no circumstances are children under the age of 17 allowed in the Exhibit Hall during set-up and dismantle times. This includes children of exhibitors.


Drinking Policy

The ASCB, EMBO, and Walter E. Washington Convention Center encourage responsible drinking for those drinking alcohol. Beer, wine, non-alcoholic beer, and soft drinks may be available at the Opening Night Reception on Saturday, December 2, and throughout the meeting dates. Alcohol will not be served to anyone under the age of 21; be prepared to show photo identification. Alcoholic beverages are allowed only in specific areas and must not be taken out of these areas.


Meeting Attendance Etiquette/License and Other Terms and Conditions

  • Acceptance of your registration entitles you to a license (i.e., permission) to attend the meeting conditioned upon you not engaging in conduct that interferes with the opportunity for others to attend, enjoy, and derive value from the meeting. Attendees who ASCB or EMBO determine in their discretion are disruptive to speakers, staff, or other attendees are subject to having their registration and permission to attend the meeting immediately revoked, without refund of their registration or abstract submission fees. Please view the Meetings Conduct Policy Participants' Guide and Meetings Conduct Policy above for more detailed information.
  • You may participate in the Cell Bio 2023 meeting by audio and video, or by video only. If you participate visually and/or vocally, your image and/or voice will be received and available to all participants and you are agreeing that your image and/or voice may be used at any time without further notification in ASCB or EMBO publications or websites.
  • ASCB and EMBO policy prohibits video capture, screen recording, screenshots, audio recording, or taking pictures of speakers and their slides.
  • Proprietary information is expected to be presented and shared at the meeting. No one is permitted to misappropriate or misrepresent somebody else's data as their own.
  • By registering, you are agreeing to comply with ASCB's policies and rules.


Photo Release

The ASCB has hired an official photographer for the meeting. Photographs taken at the Cell Bio 2023 Meeting may be used in future ASCB or EMBO publications, on the ASCB or EMBO website, or in other materials. By registering for this meeting, you agree to allow the ASCB and EMBO to use your photo in any ASCB-related or EMBO-related publication or website.

Session Room Behavior and Overcrowding

If a session room becomes too crowded, follow instructions provided by ASCB staff, Convention Center staff, or security. Instructions may include not standing against the walls, not blocking the aisles, or doors, or being denied entry if the room becomes too crowded.

The meeting organizers are obligated to abide by the guidelines established by the Fire Marshal in the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. If a room reaches full capacity and we do not have your cooperation, the Fire Marshal has the authority to delay or terminate the meeting until the problem has been corrected. We do our best to try to assign appropriate sized rooms to each session, but sometimes sessions are more popular than anticipated. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Smoking Policy

The Boston Convention and Exhibition Center is a smoke-free facility. Please refrain from smoking within 20 feet of the lobby doors. Smoking is permitted only in designated smoking areas. Electronic cigarettes are not permitted within the facility.

Social Media Policy

The ASCB and EMBO encourage the use of social media before, during, and after Cell Bio 2023. Note the following guidelines and accepted social media etiquette:


  • Follow us on Twitter @ASCBiology. Use the hash tag #CellBio2023 for meeting-related tweets.
  • Follow us on Facebook at
  • Blog and tweet about the meeting and what you are hearing
    and seeing (but without sharing details of any data presented;
    follow journal rules about data sharing).
  • Provide feedback to staff and the Program Committee—discuss
    topics of interest and/or speakers for next year’s meeting,
    make suggestions for Symposia, Minisymposia, or workshop
    sessions, comment on the meeting format, etc.
  • Keep criticism constructive, and think about whether you’d like
    your thoughts shared widely—because they may be.


  • Use photographic or other recording devices, including video capture, screen recording, screenshots, audio recording, or taking pictures of speakers and their slides.
  • Capture, transmit, or redistribute data presented at the meeting—this may preclude subsequent publication of the data in a scholarly journal.

Speaker/Presenter Disclosure

Views expressed by speakers at Cell Bio 2023 are solely the views of the speaker. They do not necessarily represent the views of the ASCB or EMBO. The ASCB and EMBO make no representation concerning, and do not guarantee, the source, originality, accuracy, completeness, or reliability of any statement, information, data, finding, interpretation, advice, opinion, or view presented by any speaker or poster presenter.

Embargo Policy

All posters and oral presentations at Cell Bio 2023 - An ASCB|EMBO Meeting will be embargoed until the date and start time of their presentation at the meeting and/or until the consent of the author to report said findings is given. This means that press registrants MAY NOT PUBLISH any information about work being presented at the meeting UNLESS AND UNTIL the start date and time of that presentation AND WITH the express consent of the author. Likewise, no screen shots or images of research presentations may be included in such reporting. Approved images should be obtained directly from the author. ASCB and EMBO aim to encourage presentation of the latest findings and enable responsible and quality reporting of those findings by press in attendance. This policy helps ensure that all reporters have access to the same, up-to-date, and complete information when researching and writing their articles and that information regarding research presented at our meeting is not published prior to the presentation.

Waiver of Liability

Each individual attending the Cell Bio 2023 assumes all risks associated with his or her attendance and participation in on- and offsite activities. Each individual attendee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the ASCB and EMBO, and their governing bodies, officers, directors, employees, and/or agents from all loss, damage, or liability arising out of or related to his or her attendance at the Cell Bio 2023 Meeting.