
Scientific sessions known as Minisymposia offer the most groundbreaking research representing each of the seven scientific meeting tracks at Cell Bio 2023. Top-scoring abstracts within each scientific track will be scheduled into Minisymposium sessions. There will be 31 total scientific Minisymposia and one Education Minisymposium.

Minisymposia co-chairs complete a scoring review, assign top-scoring abstracts and chair the session during the meeting. Please note co-chairs, or members of their labs, are only eligible to present a talk within their Minisymposium if their abstract is in the top-scoring abstracts after the concealed review. There is no reserved or guaranteed speaking slot for co-chairs, or members of their lab.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Early, mid-, and late career researchers who are willing to join the ASCB if selected to serve as a co-chair (You do not have to be an ASCB member to apply, but will be required to join if you are selected).
  • ASCB Regular and Educator Members, EMBO Members, EMBO Global Investigators, and EMBO Young Investigators

Note: Members actively engaged in a postdoctoral training program, and graduate students are not eligible.

Preference is given to those who have not served as a Co-Chair in the last 3 years. If you are also submitting a Special Interest Subgroup Application and it is accepted, you will be unable to chair a Minisymposium.

Application Deadline PASSED

Responsibilities and Application Process

Timeline & Key Dates

Co-Chair ApplicationsApplications accepted to co-chair a Minisymposium. Deadline: April 20
Co-Chair ReviewProgram Committee Track Chairs review and score applications.Late April to Mid-May
Co-Chair NotificationsApplicants are notified.Late May/Early June
Abstract SubmissionAbstracts accepted for consideration for Minisymposium Talks. There are 6 talks in each Minisymposium.Opens Early June; Closes August 1
Abstract ReviewMinisymposia Co-Chairs review and score the abstracts and the weighted average score is used determine top-scoring abstracts in each scientific track.August 4 to August 16
Session SchedulingCo-Chairs use top-scoring abstracts to create Minisymposia sessions.August 23 to August 31
Speaker NotificationAbstract submitters are notified. Co-Chairs also receive correspondence about their session.By September 15