ASCB Financial & Organizational Guidelines

A. ASCB Responsibility

The ASCB will provide the following facilities and services and incur the expenses associated with them for approved Cell Bio sessions:

  1. A room in the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center (BCEC), set as follows:
    • Special Interest Subgroups - set theater-style.
    • Education, Professional Development, Diversity and Inclusion panels/lectures/workshops - set in a hybrid of theater-style and banquet rounds.
    • Committee Networking Rooms - set in banquet rounds.
    • Sponsored sessions - set theater-style, banquet rounds, or hybrid. Please contact Danielle Raiford at, upon receipt of acceptance notice to confirm room set. Additional expenses may apply if additional room setup and takedown are required.
  2. Audiovisual equipment as follows:
    • Special Interest Subgroups, Education, Professional Development, Diversity and Inclusion panels/lectures/workshops, and Sponsored Sessions (if applicable) - a screen; a MAC or PC; a mouse and keyboard for the MAC; lighted lectern; LCD projector; confidence monitor; laser pointer; timer; microphones for the lectern, table, and aisle; and a video switcher. A projectionist will also be assigned to your session.
    • Committee Networking Rooms - a podium and podium microphone.
  3. Acknowledgement of the session on the ASCB website, online meeting program, and mobile app.

B. Session Organizer Responsibility

All session participants (i.e. organizers, speakers, moderators, panelists, etc.) must be registered for the Cell Bio meeting. There will be no admission to any session if individuals are not registered for the meeting.

Session participants are responsible for their own travel and housing expenses. Organizers may use any obtained financial support to cover these costs.

Organizers may incur additional optional expenses. The ASCB and EMBO will not pay for these expenses:

  1. Food or beverage. This must be ordered directly through Aramark, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. You will be billed directly by Aramark, Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.
  2. Audiovisual equipment in addition to that listed under (A). This must be ordered directly through Projection (PPT). Please contact Holly Alderton at 301-575-2754 or You will be billed directly by PPT.

Additional Organizer Responsibilities:

  1. Marketing and Signage. No signage, other than what the ASCB provides, will be allowed outside of the meeting room or taped to walls/doors of the convention center.
  2. Adherence to Deadlines. If the session is approved, all organizers must meet all designated deadlines for your session type to ensure session details are accurate for publishing in the online meeting program and mobile app.

C. Fundraising

Organizers are permitted to raise funds to support their session on the following terms:

  1. Organizers may raise funds to be applied directly to expenses noted in (B) above.
  2. These funds will not come through the ASCB.
  3. These funds must be remitted directly to the organizers, who are responsible for their management and dissemination.
  4. Such funds will not be received or processed by the ASCB; the ASCB will not acknowledge receipt of such funds, and providers of such funds will not be recognized as donors to the Society in printed or online meeting materials.

Although most members who organize sessions do not incur expenses beyond those that are covered by the Society as outlined in (A), we hope that these guidelines are helpful to those who wish to supplement their sessions or to offset expenses for speakers.

All session participants must agree to the following terms and conditions:
• not to defame anyone
• not to slander/libel anyone
• not to use copyright/trademark materials without permission
• not to speak on anything other than what was agreed to