
Minisymposia sessions offer the most groundbreaking research representing each of the seven scientific meeting tracks at Cell Bio Virtual 2020. Top-scoring abstracts submitted to each scientific track by the July 30 deadline have been scheduled into Minisymposium sessions.

There are be 28 total scientific Minisymposia and one Education Minisymposium at the Cell Bio Virtual 2020 meeting. Click here for the list of Minisymposia co-chairs. See below for full details on each session.

Minisymposia Sessions and Schedule

Wednesday, December 2, 10:00 am to 11:30 am EST

Monday, December 7, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm EST

Tuesday, December 8, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm EST

Thursday, December 10, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm EST

Friday, December 11, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm EST

Minisymposium Co-Chair Responsibilities & Guidelines

Minisymposium Co-Chair Responsibilities

Minisymposium Co-Chairs are responsible for reviewing abstracts, assigning talks to Minisymposia sessions, and introducing the speakers on the day of the Minisymposium. Minisymposia Co-Chairs are not eligible to speak in their session. 

A minimum of six (6) and a maximum of 12 Minisymposium Co-Chairs will be selected per scientific meeting track.

Minisympsium Co-Chairs will:

  1. Review and score up to 150 abstracts submitted to their scientific track. The review period will take place between August 12 and August 24.
  2. Create a specified number of Minisymposia sessions, with help by the Program Committee Track Chairs. Each Minisymposium session will consist of six (6) talks, based on the top-scoring abstracts.
  3. Chair the session at Cell Bio Virtual 2020. Co-Chairs will work together to introduce the speakers in each Minisymposium. 

Availability Requirements

Minisymposium Co-Chairs must be available during the following time periods

  • Wednesday, August 12 through Monday, August 24 - Abstract Review Period
  • Saturday, December 5 through Friday, December 11 - Available virtually on the day of Minisymposium at a designated date and time

Minisymposium Co-Chair Application Requirements

  1. All applicants are required to login with your ASCB account first. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one before applying. 
  2. You must:
    1. Select a primary scientific track, with an optional secondary scientific track.
    2. Provide a link to your lab website
    3. Write a Research Impact Statement (200-300 words) - a summary of your research, highlighting your top accomplishments over the last five years.
    4. Explain why you are applying to be a Minisymposium Co-Chair (125 words or less)