ASCB members can apply for up to $1,000 to promote science outreach projects such as student lab visits, science fairs, or other ideas for engaging the public. These activities are organized by the ASCB Committee for Postdocs and Students (COMPASS).
Why should you participate in science outreach?
As an expert in your field, you have the responsibility to communicate scientific concepts and be a resource for curious minds. In return, you will:
- Develop your ability to communicate complex ideas in a way that everyone can understand
- By getting out there and promoting science to the general community, you learn to talk to people from all walks of life
- Network across different disciplines, identities, and career stages, both within and outside the scientific community
Who Is Eligible to Apply?
Active ASCB members, with priority given to student and postdoc members.
Application Requirements
- A description of the proposed event, answering the following questions:
- What are the goals of the event?
- Who is the event for?
- What will you do during the event?
- When will the event happen? (event must be complete by the end of 2025)
- Where will you host the event?
- How will the event benefit the local community/why do you think it’s important?
- What is the message you would like your attendees to leave with?
- Do you have any additional sources of funding? If so, how much and what will it cover?
- Organizers’ CV. Outreach experience (if any) should be highlighted
- Proposed budget, itemizing and justifying the spending
o Fundable items include: Services to facilitate events, tangible supplies to facilitate the event, shipping costs, books, tangible prizes, etc.
o We cannot fund any of the following items: alcohol, honorariums, salaries, or monetary prizes.o Budget MUST be itemized, and each item justified as to what it will be used for. Please read these Sample Budgets - Description of how you will document the event (photos, essay, examples of student’s work, edited video)
- How you plan to acknowledge ASCB funding for your meeting
Note: All funds must be reimbursed by the end of the calendar year.
Questions? Contact
Looking for Outreach Ideas?
Check out this video of an outreach program that helped science become art!
Upcoming Deadlines:
2025 application deadlines will be announced soon.