Search Results: SF declaration 2012

Women In Science: The Untold Downside to Achievement

…towards our position in science. 1Moss-Racusin CA, Dovidio JF, Brescoll VL, Graham MJ, Handelsman J. (2012) Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 201211286 doi:10.1073/pnas.1211286109….

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Act III: Ways for Cell Biologists to Think About Retirement

Early- and mid-career cell biologists may rarely think about retirement, as their minds and hearts are usually filled with the latest cool discovery, the next grant deadline, or perhaps the…

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Minorities Affairs Committee Poster Awards

…Place: Lilian Kabeche, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Second Place: Veronica Segarra, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Third Place: Damaris Lorenzo, Duke University/HHMI 2012 Undergraduates 1st Place:…

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Education Research: A Light in the Dark

…mentoring in the discipline. link “Lab Management 101” (Sept 2012) – an interesting article from GenomeWeb with a broader approach to the topic link (this now appears to be behind…

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Doorstep Meeting—The Cell Biology of Cancer

…has taken extracellular exploration further than UCSF’s Valerie Weaver. Her lab, which probes stromal–epithelial interactions, is located in UCSF’s Center for Bioengineering and Tissue Regeneration, which in itself is an…

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Erika Shugart Named ASCB Executive Director

…Advancement of Science (AAAS) for distinguished contributions and leadership in public understanding and engagement in science. She was a AAAS Noyce Leadership Fellow from 2012–2013. In 2007, she was named…

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In Memoriam: Howard Green, Alfred Gilman, and Jeff Schatz

…mentees was former ASCB President Elaine Fuchs, with whom he split in 2012 the $250,000 March of Dimes Prize in Developmental Biology. In his characteristic down-to-earth style, Green told the…

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Critical Career Transitions: So I Got Tenure, Now What?

…Herdklotz C, Wild L (October 23, 2013). Mid-career faculty support: The middle years of the academic profession. Retrieved February 12, 2018, from 2Wilson R (June 3, 2012). Why are…

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Erika Shugart Named ASCB Executive Director

…leadership in public understanding and engagement in science. She was a AAAS Noyce Leadership Fellow from 2012–2013. In 2007, she was named an Individual Distinguished Service Award winner by the…

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The Growing Pains of the Biomedical Workforce

…identified from a mixed bag of statistics collected by the NIH, NSF, National Research Council, and others. Their major source of data was the NSF Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR),…

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