BioMed Focus: Empowering Future Scientists through Summer Research


The BioMed Focus program, an 8-week summer research initiative for high school students in the Ann Arbor/Metro Detroit area, recently concluded with its annual symposium. This year, eight BioMed Focus Scholars participated, each presenting a 10-minute scientific research talk followed by a 5-minute Q&A session. The symposium served as the capstone of the summer, allowing the Scholars to showcase their hard work and growing expertise to an audience of mentors, teachers, friends, and family.

A major highlight of this year’s event was the reception that followed the presentations, made possible in part by an ASCB COMPASS Outreach Grant. Held in a high-demand atrium, the reception provided an opportunity for the Scholars and their communities—both scientific and personal—to connect and celebrate their achievements. The event also facilitated new relationships between BioMed Focus organizers, local high school educators, and university administrators interested in supporting future programming.

This year’s symposium was a resounding success, drawing 56 attendees and generating positive feedback from both Scholars and their guests. One Scholar expressed, “[I] love the atmosphere you give us, the support, the love, and especially the kindness…I loved being able to be at the University of Michigan!” Another remarked, “I’m very thankful for this opportunity, all the learning I got to do this summer, and the people I met who taught me so much, especially my mentor.”

The COMPASS Outreach Grant played a vital role in enhancing the event, ensuring that BioMed Focus continues to inspire and equip the next generation of scientists.

About the Author:

This post was collaboratively written by several ASCB staff members.